DIY Fragrance for Shoes

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


I'm back with DIY! hahaha macam tengah buat video untuk youtube pulak rasanya.

Well,i'm not very satisfied with my DIY this time. Cause it was totally a mess. You will know once you are finish reading this.

DIY kali ni is for your shoes, i mean sneakers or kasut sekolah korang. Of course lah berbau kan? If not aku memang respect habislah kat korang. 

Actually banyak je cara nak buat kasut tak berbau tapi aku nak try buat cara ni.
So here we go.

First,you will need scissor,needle,benang,kain (4 helai) saiz medium and i dont know how to describe that thing but flower fragrance maybe? Aku beli kat daiso , perisa lavender. Or you can just buy anything yang ada bentuk plus wangi.

Its kinda look like this.

Next,ugh i hate this part. Which is jahit. Korang perlu jahit kain tadi and tinggalkan lubang kecil untuk letak kan flower fragrance . 

Like this.

But,oleh sebab aku tak reti sangat nak menjahit so aku ambil langkah mudah iaitu just using a stapler. Hahahaha korang jangan ikut 'style' aku ni pulak, Jahitkan aje.

So its gonna look like this. Its not that perfect though sebab aku guna stapler :') lol
And now you can put this thing in your shoes.


Banyak lagi cara nak hilangkan bau kasut ni like you can put minyak wangi or this

daun pandan. I dont whether its good or not but you can try right?

Anyway,happy birthday to meeeeeeeee! Im 19 years old already. Tsk tsk :')
Terima kasih Ya Allah .


  1. nice tips btw, and I turned 18 yesterday ;)

  2. wahh ! nice one DIY. boleh aplikasikan ni

  3. Wahhhhh siyesly mudah.. Thank you so much 4 sharing.. In shaa Allah nak cuba.. Once again, happy belated birthday... ^^ - KTC

  4. nice tips... thanks for sharing it... itu bukan poutpourri yek namanya? yg dried petals tu

  5. Potpourri kan nama bunga tu? That's actually a really easy diy. I need to do this. Idk why but my shoes stink so bad nowadays!
